Monday, October 20, 2008
10:38 pm

Surprisingly, I am blogging again when I just blogged yesterday. But there's something I must celebrate and announce to the WHOLE WORLD!


I SUPER HAPPY LAH! Me and my brother were laughing our asses off! This bitch is sibei loser one. A few days back, my bro was playing Reversi with her then he lost. when my brother requested for another match, she asked him to wait for 5 minutes and after more than 5 minutes, she claimed that she was sleepy and needed to go to bed. Makes me and my brother waited for nothing. But she kinda felt "bad" later and sort of agreed to play another match "reluctantly". And when my brother and I won, (I was helping. XD I know that was not very good. BUT... still...!) she said, "you see I so good, let you win!" I felt like bashing her on the spot! Lose, lose lah! said stuffs liddat.. Bitch! I felt like scolding her on MSN but my brother kinda stopped me since IT'S HIS MSN.

AND SO.. today, my brother played with her again. He called for SOS and so I came. Unfortunately, being too strong-headed and too anxious and too blinded and too greedy, I lost that match and the one next, by 2 to 3 beads due to bad and wrong moves. SO I TOLD MYSELF NOT TO MAKE THOSE STUPID MISTAKES AGAIN! And so, I decided to go slow, conquered from left to right...

ALL BLACK!!!!!!!!!

HAHA! I still blanko her name to leave her some pride! LOL!

Sunday, October 19, 2008
4:29 pm

It's time to blog! After all the working at taka, selling korean grapes and pears. So fast, it already the last day of holiday. Seriously, I dun mind school starts. By the way, I kena Sociology for CDS. All sylvester's fault! LOL! Kidding lah!

After so long never blog, I did lots of things I never do before and things that I keep doing it.

The reason that stops me from doing things that I always do is working. I am conned to work for a korean who sells korean fruits for a Asia fair for 2 weeks then another 2 weeks at British fair. (Seriously, Taka just doesnt give a damn that korean fruits are sold at British fair as long as they got commission.) Anyway, the fair doesnt even look like a FAIR, and even less a British fair when there are only..

i. a super small corner, selling jams from SCOTLAND.
ii. a L shape, selling KOREAN fruits and mushrooms.
iii. the rest of the area (which is about 70% of the area), selling Haddock bags, cookies and candies brought from the area that Taka usually sell them next to the 2 Taka Cashiers, about 50m away from the "British" fair.

From this job, I got many cuts from the cardboards, dirts under the nails from the "cleaning" and "surgery" of fruits (rotten and spoilt), cracked nails from the actions required for the job and a badly-sprained wrist which hurts even carrying Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire single-handedly at the last day of the job after carrying heavy goods and cartons and swinging the cartons onto table.

I am supposed to work till today but I only worked till Wednesday of this week. The work is too tough. Carrying goods that are supposed to be guys' jobs are mostly done by me and what makes me to anger more was when the STUPID KOREAN BOSS still dare to tell me, "You very tomboy." FUCK YOU LAH! YOU SHOW ME HOW TO CARRY ALL THESE GOODS GIRLYLY LAH! YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY THAT I CAN CARRY LIAO LOR! FUCK! I HATE HER TO THE CORE! SHE THINKS SHE CAN TREAT PEOPLE LIKE MAIDS WHEN SHE PAID US 6 DOLLARS PER HR. YOU THINK YOUR 6 DOLLARS VERY BIG ARH! TELL PEOPLE TO KEEP THE STALL NEAT AND TIDY WHEN SHE IS THE ONE THAT MESS UP EVERYTHING! FUCK HER LAH! ARGH! Think about it makes my blood boils again!!!!! Bitch! ARRRRR!

Sorry for being so vulgar but seeing this kind of people really makes me anger. She really treats people like maids!

Intially, she only wants to hire one worker only for the British Fair and she sae she will be there to help out. That results me NOT TO HAVE LUNCH and RUSH TRIPS to toilet as she always not there. And WHEN SHE WAS THERE, MY LIFE WAS LIKE HELL. But she finally hired another but times when I am alone and with her during some shifts were still like hell.

At some points, I got rude too after I really cannot tolerate her. And in the end, I quitted when the job got so unbearable. At first, I thought the problem lies on me as some worked with her were okay with her. Then I found out people who left were also unhappy of the job. EVEN HER OFFICE WORKERS! LOL! I know only that when I returned the next day with Shiwen after the my last day of working there (Thursday), Auntie Dom, a permanent worker of hers, revealed to us.

Haddock bears.

Bear with Pear.

The Fruit Stall

The Fruit Stall

Deok. Lois gave me eat before. Inside is sesame.


Some photos taken before I got the job.

Bite! (Peijun never aim accurately!)

Peijun nicely touched the edge. You see my skill so good! XD




Copyri9hts' Day 08


BBQ @ Ebenzer's house (This Friday)

Ebenzer's family gave him a Blue PSP as a Surprise Birthday Present. COOL!


After uploading photos I need to post, I left two blanks and decided not to waste it!